The Editorial Board for the International Code of nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP)

 The Statutes of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICSP) establishes the Editorial Board for the ICNP, which “… shall be proposed by the EB-ICSP.” (Article 12) 1.

 “The Editorial Board for the ICNP shall consist of an Editor-in-Chief appointed by the EB-ICSP, the Chair and the Vice-Chair of the JC, and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the ICSP. The Editor-in Chief shall be the Chair of the Editorial Board. The Board shall have power to co-opt.” (Article 13) 1.

“(a) Duties of Editor-in-Chief of the ICNP. The Editor-in Chief shall be responsible for the continuing revision of the ICNP, for its editing, and publication. The Editor-in-Chief shall submit the manuscript after approval by the Editorial Board for publication in book form and/or electronic form.

(1) To supervise consideration of proposals for emendation by the ICSP after publication in the IJSEM, including distribution of comments from the JC and members of the ICSP to the entire ICSP, and supervision of balloting among the ICSP.” 1

  1. Whitman WB, Bull CT, Busse H-J, Fournier P-E, Oren A, Ventura S. 2019. Request for revision of the Statutes of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 69(2): 584-593; doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.003117. Epub 2018 Dec 6.


 Members of the Editorial Board for the ICNP (from 2023 to 2026)


Aharon Oren

 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem


Chair of the JC:

David Arahal    

 University of Valencia & CECT, Valencia


Vice-Chair of the JC:

 Henrik Christensen  

 University of Copenhagen, Fredriksberg C 


Chair of the EB-ICSP:

 Edward Moore   

 University of Gothenburg & CCUG, Gothenburg


Vice-Chair of the EB-ICSP:

Célia Manaia 

 Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto 


Invited member:     

Markus Göker  

 Leibnitz Institute – DSMZ, Braunschweig






   Members of the Editorial Board for the ICNP (from 2020 to 2023) 


Aharon Oren

 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem


Chair of the JC:

David Arahal    

 University of Valencia & CECT, Valencia


Vice-Chair of the JC:

 Ramone Rosselló-Móra 



Chair of the EB-ICSP:

  Iain Sutcliffe  

  Northumbria University, Newcastle 


Vice-Chair of the EB-ICSP:

 Edward Moore

  University of Gothenburg & CCUG, Gothenburg


Invited member:     

Markus Göker  

 Leibnitz Institute – DSMZ, Braunschweig



Data of members are stored by the ICSP with regard to EU GDPR regulations. Requests to redact or remove information should be sent to the ICSP Website Manager, Edward Moore: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.